Nowadays the RENEWABLE ENERGY market, which is supported by public subsidies, is constantly growing worldwide. Thereby the surrounding legal requirements are of utmost importance but at the same time quite complex. Just think of the construction of a wind park, a photovoltaic project, or a biomass combined heat and power plant. In order to be granted the full amount of public subsidies and to ensure the successful achievement of your economic goals we will gladly assist you.
For the realisation of RENEWABLE ENERGY projects, the laws governing real estate and the respective particularities of real estate property must be taken into account. Furthermore, the requirements of building permit law and the law concerning the obligation to purchase all generated energy independent of time of dispatch (Einspeiserecht) have to be considered. In order to obtain the necessary funding and eventually economic success, it is also indispensible to secure the project’s general conditions under corporate law.
We regularly inform our clients about recent developments in case law and new legislation.
- Advice on the choice of location
- Explanation of the Italian Renewable Energies Act
- Incorporation and company structuring
- Guidance for investors for the acquisitions and for owners for the sale of projects in the RENEWABLE ENERGY sector, i.e., especially legal due diligence and assistance with contract negotiations
- Advice for project developers (e.g., in the procurement of permits, the drafting and negotiation of contracts, the drafting and examination of property purchase or lease agreements and advice on agreements regarding the construction phase and maintenance of the facilities)
- Drafting and negotiation of energy supply agreements and raw material supply agreements
- Drafting and negotiation of contracts such as pellet supply agreements
- Representation (in and out of court) in case of defects or other issues
- Project financing
- Advice in matters of antitrust law
- Production of fund prospectuses
- Review of prospectuses, in cooperation with other experts
Your economic success is our top priority. Therefore, we provide you with solutions, which are practice-oriented and tailored to fit your individual needs.
All this in accordance with our motto: SIMPLY_MORE