HEUSSEN Advocaten & Notarissen
Oval Tower, 10e etage
De Entree 139-141
1101 HE Amsterdam
Tel.: +31 (0)20 312 2800
Fax: +31 (0)20 312 2801
Heussen does not have its own parking spaces for visitors. You are therefore requested to park in car park P5 or P4. These car parks are located under (P5) and on (P4) the Villa Arena at ±5 minutes walking distance from the entrance of the Oval Tower. In total you should allow ±10 minutes extra time for parking and walking.
In the car park P5
When entering the car park, keep to the left ("parking visitors"). You drive through a long corridor. You will then reach the barriers of the visitors' area. As soon as you pass these barriers, you will see a barrier on your right in the distance with the office area behind it. You cannot park here (permit holders only), but you will eventually have to go here to enter the entrance of the Heussen building. After parking, walk back to that barrier in front of the office area and keep left (follow the yellow signs Oval Tower/Deutsche Bank). Heussen is located in the Oval Tower on the 10th floor. You can ring the doorbell at the entrance so the receptionist will open the door for you. Take the stairs to the central reception hall where you can report to the reception desk.
In the car park P4
When you drive into the parking garage you drive into the parking garage on top of Villa Arena. After parking you go to the main exit of Villa Arena on the ground floor. Walk around the building on your left (Grolsh café) where the entrance to the central reception hall of the Oval Tower is located and where you can report.
Public transportation
From NS and metro station Bijlmer walk along the Arena Boulevard in the direction of Villa Arena, with the ArenA on your right. After a few minutes you will see our building ("Oval Tower/tower Deutsche Bank") on the left hand side of the road, right next to Villa Arena.