Prof. Avv. Tommaso Di Marcello
Tel.: +39 06 62275446
Prof. Tommaso Di Marcello is a lawyer and partner at HEUSSEN Italy and a member of the Corporate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution and Insolvency & Restructuring practice groups.
He has been admitted to the Rome Bar (2005) and to appear before the Corte di Cassazione and the other Italian High Courts (2015).
He advises clients on company law, restructuring and bankruptcy law, commercial and contract law and has extensive experience on commercial litigation, acting for banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, other corporate entities, individuals and bankruptcy trustees in domestic and cross-border disputes. He is also active in the field of M&A, corporate transactions, corporate reorganisation and commercial contracts.
He acts as arbitrator and counsel in arbitration proceedings and was appointed as president of arbitration tribunals also by the President of the Court of Rome.
He served as special administrator appointed by the Court of Rome to act for corporate entities in litigation proceedings.
He also worked as a counsel at the department of Litigation & Dispute Resolution of an English leading international law firm (2012-2018).
Tommaso Di Marcello is professor of Company and Business law at Roma Tre University School of Law.
He coordinates the Master for business lawyers and counsels at Roma Tre University School of Law.
He represents the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS) in the working group of ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) on finance for sustainable development.
He is founder and head of the course on Business, Environment and Sustainability at Roma Tre University School of Law.
He is member of the PhD Board of the International Doctorate “Law & Social Change: The Challenges of Transnational Regulation”.
He is member of “Orizzonti del Diritto commerciale”, Italian Association of University Professors of Business law.
He is member of the board of editors of the law reviews “Giurisprudenza commerciale” and “Roma Tre Law Review” and served as a member of the board of editors of the Italian review on bankruptcy law “Il Diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali” and member of the Study Commission of the Rome Bar Association on bankruptcy law.
After earning a law degree (2001) and a Master degree for Business Lawyers (2002) from Roma Tre University School of Law, he received a doctoral degree in Business Law from Tor Vergata University of Rome School of Economics and the Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration participating in the course organized by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Italian Association for Arbitration (AIA), Milan Chamber of Arbitration (CAM), Roma Tre University.
He conducted research at New York University and Columbia University Law Libraries in New York to actively contribute to the “PRIN 2007” research project on “The reform of the Italian bankruptcy law: analysis and prospects in the light of European and the U.S. experience”.
He is author of books on legal aspects of business financing and one-tier board of directors in the joint stock companies. He also published several articles in major Italian law reviews on company law, bankruptcy law, banking law and contract law.
In 2011 he was awarded the “Francesco Santoro-Passarelli” prize for private law by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic.
Heussen Studio Legale e TributarioVia Savoia, 84
00198 - Roma
Italia (Italien)
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Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch, Italienisch